Monday, December 31, 2012

Hold your breath, make a wish, count to three

The cauldron is churning, shifting, boiling, the air is stale, and the atmosphere heavy, the coal is shimmering under the heavy base of her womb/ Tomb…the building block of Form itself, glowing, and embering in the forge. The clatter is deafening as His darkened face is forever turned towards the ever glowing furnace…Sparks enfolding his ever beating hammer transforming, while the New is created on the ashes of the Old.

In this luminal suspension, I lost my footing, only the auspicious star shining in the corner of my eyes makes me move forward, upwards…what if it was no light, the frightening idea cross my mind for a split second, only to be pushed to one side …there is still work to be done as I tied another knot on the red thread. The ties are renewed when the ancient bond is sanctified. The Hunt is over.
I heeded the call of blood to blood as I pledge once more my allegiance to my gods.

Union in Spirit.

In the distance I hear Her shriek in a cacophony of wings...’I am still here. Always.’
For the last 12 days, Time was suspended and the boat has rocked. I have felt nauseous. The Merry go round, has gone out of Tune and has been in danger of coming off its axis, when will it stop? Can you make the carousel stop?

‘Maybe you need to get off the Ride’, says the voice, this time is a saccharine tone. It would be so easy, ‘come on girl, get off the carousel; There! They have cookies on the other side’.

Looking at the plate of sweet delights I reflect. Hum, these look good; these look gentle on the eyes. Oh and look at the smiling faces, wouldn’t it be great to hang around and chat. The air feels lighter down here.

Time stops. And Waits.

The dice is suspended above my head

The cauldron is churning. Black, dark as Hell

In my pocket I feel the my mind the lessons, in my belly the seeds, in my Heart the Love
I stand at the oak threshold.
His 3 faces stars at me.
‘What is it going to be today Madam?’

I plunged back into it with tears in my eyes, counting my blessings.
As the Fire rages, for one night and one night only, I can forge my Fate: To follow my destiny, meet my challenges and take back what is mine.

So as the New Year dawns, I raise my cup  to Truth and Beauty and to those who work in the shadows unafraid to get their hands dirty, for out of the soot, we scry Hope, out of ignorance, awareness …
Our evolution  
In death and beyond death. 

Hold your breath
Make a wish
Count to three

Come with me
And you'll be
In a world of
Pure imagination
Take a look
And you'll see
Into your imagination

We'll begin
With a spin
Travelling in
The world of my creation
What we'll see
Will defy

If you want to view paradise
Simply look around and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Wanta change the world?
There's nothing
To it

There is no
Life I know
To compare with
Pure imagination
Living there
You'll be free
If you truly wish to be

If you want to view paradise
Simply look around and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Wanta change the world?
There's nothing
To it

There is no
Life I know
To compare with
Pure imagination
Living there
You'll be
If you truly
Wish to be

(Pure Imagination, Lyrics taken from Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory)


  1. What a fantastic post, the images that it conjures up are incredible. And thank you so much for the words to 'my imagination'.

    1. Thank you very much for your very kind comments . I write images, paintings . I try to conjure more images in the minds of those I share with .fff Isa
