Monday, November 26, 2012


'beneath the pale sun ,the trees are trembling, the most cherished loyal friends which I enjoyed the sight of ,are now rattling like bones ,and the spectral outline of the birch resembles an hand ,raising from Hel striving to drag me down under.. . the woods which I enjoyed the warm embrace at night, fill me with dread and the voices in the wind are warning me not to get close ….be careful for what you wish for sweet child of mine …The wild hunt swings the doors of my dreams wide open as my spirit soars to join my kin and the screaming herd …the smell of the sweaty horse, His balmy flesh warmly woven into mine, the cacophony of the winds and the icy cold air fill my lungs with Life.. Herself, covered in nightmares leads the way to the blackened skies …towards the mountain of Lilies where the scent are overwhelming my senses, where release will be gained…hold tight dear child, hold tight …below is the worlds of nightmares, below is the world of lies, below is the pale illusions which fill the eyes of your peers with shiny pink plastic steps..You won’t go far my children with your eyes open; you won’t reach above, wide open to a world which has nothing to offer …close your eyes and See …
                                                            Frenzy of Exultation

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